Empower You Chronic Pain Foundation

Empower You Chronic Pain Foundation

“Healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and we are on a mission to bring knowledge and self empowerment to the front lines.” - Krishnan Chakravarthy, M.D., PhD

We are physicians, caregivers, advanced pain practitioners, and most importantly patients passionate about making a difference in changing the course of pain in the US and globally.
— Empower You Chronic Pain Foundation

Our Mission

We are in an unprecedented time in history where we have moved from one epidemic to a global pandemic.  Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic we had a different crisis in the United States that was the opiate crisis.  Today we continue to struggle with opiate addiction and alternatives to treatments for chronic pain.  Pain affects 50.2 million Americans across the United States and is affecting one sixth of the global population.  If we are going to make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients, we must empower them. Though the pain management space is going through a renaissance, access to care must reach the front lines.   

Who We Are

We were founded by Dr. Krishnan Chakravarthy, MD, PhD, who believes that access to healthcare is a right, and it begins with empowering patients with knowledge about their own body and health. We cannot expect great change without empowering ourselves to advocate for our own health. Knowledge of health is a privilege in today's healthcare system. We are making it a right of each individual through education. We are physicians, caregivers, advanced pain practitioners, and most importantly patients passionate about making a difference in changing the course of pain in the US and globally.

Member Benefits

Access to our first annual Empower You conference broken down via individual topics or available as a full recording beginning to end. But membership is not just about getting virtual access to our annual conference footage and recordings, but an ongoing library of patient education and resources we are building out including instructional videos, our physician locator, It’s Not in Your Head Podcast, clinical trial info you may be eligible for, forums to connect with and learn from other patients, the yearly conference in September, and more!

We want this to be as accessible for patients and cultivate a meaningful community, so membership is free. Join us below!